The Newmarket Fencing Club was started by Coach Michael McDonnell in 1998 in association with the Town of Newmarket's Parks and Recreation Department. Together they have created a club that has brought fencing to the area for over 20 years, providing youth and adults, both males and females, a chance to learn the amazing sport of modern fencing.
The location of classes has changed over the years but the high quality of instruction has not. The sport itself has changed a lot since the club has began but the club keeps evolving right along with it, especially because of the close ties the club's head coach has with the Ontario Fencing Association.
Although with primarily a recreational focus, Newmarket fencers have represented Canada at World Championships, and obtained fencing scholarships to US universities.
If you are interested in trying the tremendous sport of fencing, please contact the club through this website or through our Facebook page. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
We hope to see you on the piste!